Thank You for visiting DelanoSupply.com25/09 : Plastic Joist Pocket Liners

We currently have the JPLs in 25-9's and 25-11 which can handle up to the 2-5/16" wide, and 9-1/2" and 11-7/8" respectively, joists.
We've been getting a lot of calls with concerns about the product line being discontinued. We are working to continue it and have high confidence that we will still be able to provide the same or similar product. In the time being, we have stocked heavily on them so we can supply the market while this is resolved.
Thank you!
Update: They're available for the foreseeable future
25/10 : Now carrying the Blue Vinyl Gloves

28/04 : Smart Levels and MASAs

We recently have gotten MASA anchoring systems in. Some jobs are starting to require them so we carry them now.
14/04 : More Relton drill bits

(see drill bits page for descriptions)
Pyramid Points(P###) are faster cutting bits as they have more cutting edges.
26/01 : New Pages, New Pictures

Using the same format, i created the Stab Bolts page (SSTB##).
I have created an icon to replace the filler leaf next to Delano Supply.
Flagging Tape was never listed on here, this was discovered when trying to add a picture to the page. It has now been created and has a photo of them. Caution/Danger Tape also has a photo attached to it.
The search function now works properly and will strictly search the product pages. Before it would simply search the news by default.
New Pages
Anchor Bolts
Stab Bolts
Flagging Tape - New + Picture
Caution/Danger Tape - Picture
14/09 : New Products in Store

Straw Wattles
Survey Hubs
Wire Back Silt-Fence
Delta Drain 6000
Catch Basin Filtration Bags
Pages still need to be made for each of the items, we will post another news post notifying visitors of the new pages for these items.
30/06 : Happenings of the 30th

I have added another page to the site, and placed the link in the main menu. The page is for the Saw Blades we sell here. I will be added pictures and more pages soon. I will post new news posts when we make more pages, it is just a slow process.